Monday, 25 July 2016

There's a monkey on my wall and other first world problems...

Firstly, I must apologise if you tuned in last week only to realise I hadn't posted anything new - it's no excuse, but 'busy' doesn't even come close to describing the schedule we've dealt with over the last 14 days. Amongst everything else, I've also been trying to secure a new job... Thankfully I got the one I was rooting for, so let us go forth with a renewed sense of achievement and confidence in the next steps.

It's been a horribly sweaty couple of weeks hasn't it? Even if I hadn't spent an inordinate amount of time steaming off wallpaper and painting walls and scrubbing floors I would have felt the oppressive humidity that has enveloped Britain of late. I know it's so terribly British to complain about the weather - particularly hot weather! - but it really has been sleep-deprivingly hot and sticky... I like to drink water not breathe it in! It has just made a very busy and trying time even more frustrating.

Some of the friendlier chickens got to clean up and cool down in a nice bubble bath...

Bubba found the coolest spot in the half-way house... bathroom floor was it apparently!

Things are coming on in leaps and bounds at The Keep though, so much so that the decorator has been in and we have some entirely decorated rooms! I admit I did argue the case for not having a decorator - I've painted enough walls in my life to think I know what I'm doing enough not to entirely mess it up, so when D suggested it I poo-pooed it straight away. He persuaded me though and I am entirely glad he did. Our bathroom is now stunning, that's the only word for it. What was a dark hovel-like room with a hole in the floor is now a fresh but dusky grey sanctuary, it has a beautiful soft 'shabby-chic' floor and is having the new suite fitted this week. I honestly could not be happier with that room.
A sneak peak before the bath and shower goes in...
Our bedroom has also been completely decorated, including a vintage inspired, wallpapered feature wall. Or at least that was what it was supposed to be... As with everything at the Keep, the paper was pondered over for some time, many samples were hustled out of DIY stores and colours were matched with tester pots and material swatches. In short, we thought long and hard about what we wanted the last thing we see before we close our eyes at night to be. So, imagine my reaction when, after all that forethought, we finally get to see this masterpiece installed on our bedroom wall and there's a monkey, yes seriously, a monkey in the pattern!! 

Monkey say, monkey do...
Peeved. I am somewhat peeved. It laughs at me every time I curse it's little face, it says 'silly girl, you should have stuck to growing veg and fannying about with chickens, you know nothing of interior design...' Damn monkey...

It has a point though. I am good at growing veg and raising chickens and I want to be getting on with exactly that. There's very little in the house for me to do other than clean up after workmen and the decorator, so I have been promised that the next few weeks can be more focused on the garden. My new job should mean more time to spend on my back yard farm project and I hope to start posting more regularly on what this blog was really meant to be about - the life and times of a backyard farmer. The truth behind what it takes and the struggles you encounter. But, most of all, the utter joy I get out of it. 

I feel, at least, like I have taken some pretty big strides forward since I last posted and that I have made some sound decisions that should benefit our future at The Keep. D is tirelessly doing everything the contractors don't do and I pick up the pieces around him. Money's tight, time is tight and there is a sense that we are really suffering for our cause at the minute - but it feels good. The roots are taking hold.

With plenty of change afoot, I feel strangely cool and confident, sure that things are taking a turn for the good. You know what they say, chop your own wood and it'll warm you twice.

Now to get that monkey off my back...

Come rain or shine, it'll still be mine.



  1. Life has been busy all round at the half way house but glad I took the time to catch up on your blog.

    Looking forward to the end result

    A & J xx

  2. So so very proud of you your both amazing
    Love Mum and Jay xxxx
