Sunday, 23 October 2016

28 years old and weirder by the day.

So, it was my birthday this week. Of course my birthday is in October - you didn't expect any different surely? And spoilt I have most certainly been with an amazing pair of honeybee themed Joules wellies that will get plenty of wear over the coming months, some beautiful designer chicken cups and money that I have spent most of buying a blender. Odd maybe, but I can't stop thinking about making home-made (and eventually home-grown) hummus, so there we go.

Twenty eight... too young to be taken overly seriously in many of the circles I'm trying to edge myself into and yet too old to not take what I want to do with my life as seriously as possible in order to get somewhere close to achieving my urban farming dreams. Therefore, I guess I will just carry on doing things the only way I know how - my crazy, make do and mend, lets get more animals right now, yes of course we have room for a cow, eating raw veg straight out of the ground, I'll just help myself to this thing you chucked out 'way'!

The girls have been treated to some seasonal treats this week - if i get to indulge on pumpkin flavoured everything then so do they.

I always think birthdays are a time to reflect on the year that's passed and think about the year to come. In my case that has generally meant analysing what grew well where on the veggie patch and what didn't so that I can change it up next time where it might be of benefit. This coming year is a little different though as, amongst all of my plans for my backyard farm, I'll also be preparing for our wedding... We finally decided to tie the knot! In October Of course!

I tracked down a fabulous lady based in Derbyshire that creates the most stunning vintage hairstyles and knew from the moment I saw her work that I wanted her to do my hair for our special day. I was lucky enough to have a trial run on my birthday.

When I did sit and think about the last year, all I could think was that it's the hardest and fastest I've ever moved forward in my life. Always one for clinging to the past, old ways and habits, ideals and a love for all things 'back in the day', I've never been one to want to move on all that much... but in 12 months I've moved counties, moved jobs twice, bought and renovated a house, I've got more thoughts and plans for the future now than ever before. I look back and see it all as humble beginnings to my now overwhelming ideas for the months and years to come - it was a rocky but good start, now lets be serious and do something worthwhile, let's make an impression, create something awesome and healthy and good. That my friends is why we are here surely?

With my new blender waiting to be used for the first time I hope I will get chance to post a little recipe this week - even if it is just hummus. I'm toying with the idea of hurrying up getting the second chicken pen up before winter gets here - Smallholder magazine reports this is the best time of year to add to your flock  (not that I really needed another excuse!) so i may be posting about some new recruits before too long.

I'm entertaining family this week, so will finally get to showcase how far The Keep has come since it was floor-less wreck. I wonder if they'd like hummus with their tea... have i mentioned hummus?...

Come rain or shine it'll still be mine.


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